Skylon Tower
April 12, 2019
Skylon Tower

The Skylon Tower, one of Niagara’s most famous landmarks, offers spectacular and unrivalled views of The Falls. From the heights of the observation deck, 160 metres (520 feet) above ground level you can experience The Falls from a panoramic bird’s eye view and enjoy a fantastic photo opportunity.The Skylon Tower experience begins before your feet even leave the ground. Standing at 770 feet (234.7 meters), visitors ascend to the observation deck in only 52 seconds via one of 3 “Yellow Bug” elevators, mounted on the outside of the tower.Visitors will be interested to note that the Skylon Tower was built in 1965, 11 years before the completion of Toronto’s CN Tower. Though the Skylon Tower stands several meters shorter than the CN Tower, both towers have revolving restaurants and observation decks.In addition to offering unrivalled views of The Falls themselves, the heights of the Skylon Tower provide visitors with spectacular views of the Niagara River as it divides around Goat Island, before separating and rushing over both the American and Canadian Falls.

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